Thursday, October 17, 2013

How today was weirder than the PSAT day.

Today has been weird, folks, and something tells me tomorrow will be too.

First, I was at my morning post in the hallway, directing students through the halls, when a teacher came by and calmly said that a bus was on fire. As if this were everyday news. As normal as teachers making copies. Um...what? Sure enough, there was a bus with an engine problem that caught on fire. All students are safe and no one was harmed, which is probably why she was so calm in telling me that the bus was on fire. 

Next weird thing: Both classes that took exams on Tuesday complained of my worksheets afterwards ("But Frau! None of the other teachers make us do work after a test!" Lies.) but my German 2 kiddos actually wanted MORE worksheets after they finished the first one. They asked me! Just when you think you've got them all figured out...!

Most recent weird thng(s): We had an impromptu fire drill this afternoon. Of course, as soon as the students understand it was not planned, they swear they can smell smoke and blame it on burnt popcorn. Sillies. During said fire drill, which was with my craziest monkey class, the students followed my directions and listened to me. Amazing, especially when surrounded by their best friends from other classes. One chatty, but sweet, girl stuck by me to talk, as well as another girl who is very hot-and-cold about me and my class. But they chatted with me as if they actually liked me, haha. I was mistaken for a student about four times, by both teachers and students. The only good thing about that in this situation was the element of surprise when they would swear right next to me. The looks on their faces when they realized I'm a teacher was priceless. 

And now it's my planning period and I've got a mountain of grading before I'm off to get my hair done (thanks, Groupon!). Let's hope nothing weird happens there... 

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